
How to Protect Your Indoors from Flies and Mosquitoes


It takes only a single fly or mosquito to ruin your stay inside your own home. Well, some people might have already accustomed to the swarms of flies and mosquitoes (we humans are really good at adapting). After all, humans and insects have been co-existing since humans first appeared.

But that should not be the case especially if you’re in a modern society like Australia. Having a few flies inside your home is treated as a sign of neglect. In addition, some of those flies are carriers of diseases that can immediately send someone to the hospital. At least 60 diseases (e.g. cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery) are being mechanically transmitted by flies. In the case of mosquitoes, they transmit malaria and dengue fever that cause death.

Isn’t it exaggerated?

To be fair, the ones that constantly annoy us are the bush flies. The Australian bush fly does not spread diseases (and they don’t bite). In fact, they’re a constant companion when summer barbecues dominate the residential areas. These bush flies can be considered as harmless from a health standpoint.

It’s a totally different thing though if we’re constantly being annoyed especially when the flies land on our faces (especially near our eyes and mouths). After all, their sustenance comes from our tears, saliva and sweat. They get their protein and other nutrients from there which is why there are times when we go out, they greet us first instead of the wind. It even gets worse when it’s summertime. It’s the perfect time for us to go outdoors. But for the bush flies, it’s a feast.

Protect your indoors from flies and mosquitoes

Outdoors it’s just normal to see flies here and there. That should not be the case though if we’re inside our homes. Taking a nap would be impossible if there are one or two flies roaming around (and remember they feast on our faces). It also ruins a celebration because flies are the first to eat instead of us humans who got tired preparing the meals.

What should we do then? It seems our first instinct to protect ourselves from the threats of outside is to build a wall (or any barrier that stops the threats from coming in). It’s one of the first things we do to stop the entry of something we don’t want. Although we cannot instantly build walls, we stop the entry by shutting the doors and windows.

But there’s a problem there because shutting the doors and windows also means stopping free air circulation. This is bad for ventilation and everyone inside the room will feel hot (it’s not really cold here after all because of our relatively mild climate). And yes, shutting the doors and windows also blocks our awesome view of the outside.

The solution then is to keep the insects out while letting the air flow in. This can be easily achieved by installing sturdy and long-lasting flyscreens on the windows and doors. Aside from stopping the entry of insects and enabling free air circulation, the flyscreens also allow us to get a view of the outside and more of the sunshine.

Cleanliness is not enough

The common tip you’ll read from articles online and magazines is that you have to keep the surroundings clean so that flies and mosquitoes won’t come. That doesn’t work here in Australia because cleanliness is just not enough.

Remember that bush flies feast on our tears, sweat and saliva (which is why they often land on our faces especially near our eyes and mouths). As a result, no amount of cleanliness can stop the bush flies from annoying us the entire day. Well, cleanliness is still good for keeping an orderly surroundings and controlling the reproduction of microbes. But if your goal is to stop the bush flies from roaming around, you need more than just cleaning the kitchen, floors and the entire home. Also, this is plainly exhausting because you might clean the surfaces every now and then whenever the flies come in (and you’ll be busy waving and swatting).

The far less exhausting way is to install a semi-permanent solution (installing high-quality flyscreens). It’s just there working 24/7 without your constant attention and supervision. Although they cost some money, these flyscreens are more effective and practical than shutting the doors and windows and cleaning every now and then.

You actually have several options when it comes to window flyscreens and flyscreen doors. For instance, here we have flyscreen windows available at 15 different colours to better match your home design (while still protecting your indoors from the insects). We also have screen doors perfect for hinged and sliding types. You can contact us today if you require more information.